percy pug devon review thurlestone dog friendly hotel

Thurlestone Hotel Review

We sent PetsPyjamas guest inspector Percy Pug owned by Emily from our luxury brand, Percy & Co along to the fabulous Thurlestone Hotel in Devon to report back on just how Pug friendly they were…


percy pug devon review thurlestone dog friendly hotel


A few weekends ago, the humans took me down to Devon for a weekend away.  I absolutely LOVE mini breaks – especially those by the seaside – it’s something about having the wind in my wrinkles and sand in between my paws that gets me in the holiday spirit!

The humans had booked us all into The Thurlestone Hotel in Thurlestone, Devon, which I was very excited about – mainly because I got to stay in the same room as the humans which is a big treat for me.  Due to my snoring, I am usually ostracised to the kitchen!

On arrival, we were all given a very warm welcome by reception and I was presented with a doggie welcome bag- ooooh the excitement!  Gifts especially for me! Keen to root around in the bag, I dived in head-first in the reception to find a ball, treats, poop bags and lots of advice for doggy friendly walks and restaurants in the area.  Talk about pampered pooch!

Our room

With great anticipation, we hopped in the lift and straight to our room.  We had the most beautiful room overlooking the hotel’s gorgeous lawn, then golf course and then onto the sea.  I particularly enjoyed sitting on the balcony looking out into the distance. The balcony was also a little sun trap which was an added bonus!


percy pug devon review thurlestone dog friendly hotel


The room came with everything that a pug could ever want, comfort in every aspect.  The humans said that their bed was very soft and fluffy like a cloud. Unfortunately, I was not able to sample this, but my bed was placed just next to the window so I had the stunning view whenever I opened my eyes!

The hotel comes with a very luxurious spa and an outdoor pool for the humans – Emily made full advantage of that!  The recently refurbished restaurant is also super-chic and the food was delicious (again, I had to take my human’s word for this!)

In the area

In terms of dog activities, there is a stunning coastal path all the way to either Salcombe or Bantham depending on if you head left or right.  The scenery is breathtaking and down in Bantham there are some lovely beaches, a dog-friendly pub called the Sloop and lots of artisan food vans (the homemade ice cream was just so so good!)

All in all what a fantastic weekend.  The Thurlestone Hotel is just great and provided everything that a pup could ask for.  They even had towels at the front door to clean mucky pups paws!

I highly recommend, the staff were very friendly and the whole experience was delightful.

We are all looking forward to our next visit already!  


Book the Thurlestone Hotel through PetsPyjamas and received your free PetsPyjamas personalised travel kit.  Or call our pet travel concierge on 0203 642 3168